Over 44% of businesses cannot measure the sales revenue return on investment impact of their marketing. Is this your business?
The whole point of marketing & advertising is to drive sales results for your business. MEASURABLE sales results.
If your business currently uses social media, radio, events, online banners or other so-called "hard to measure" marketing & advertising tactics - you need to request my PDF "HOW TO MEASURE MY MARKETING - THE EASY WAY"
If your business wants to use social media, radio, events, online banners or other so-called "hard to measure" marketing & advertising tactics - you need to request my PDF "HOW TO MEASURE MY MARKETING - THE EASY WAY"
If your business in the past has used social media, radio, events, online banners or other so-called "hard to measure" marketing & advertising tactics - you need to request my PDF "HOW TO MEASURE MY MARKETING - THE EASY WAY"
Over the past 20+ years, one of the biggest mistakes I've seen businesses make relates entirely to how they measure their marketing. Either they are currently investing in marketing initiatives that they cannot measure, want to invest in marketing but don't know how to effectively quantify the investment, or have gotten burned in the past when they've invested in marketing before having a measurement strategy in place.
Fortunately, once these businesses implement the simple tips from my "HOW TO MEASURE MY MARKETING - THE EASY WAY" PDF, their online and offline marketing investment is easier to quantify, track and see measurable results from. Suddenly, a line item on their P&L goes from being an "expense" to becoming a profit center, as they see 2 to 1, 3 to 1 or larger sales revenue growth from their marketing. Ultimately, this is the strategy that the biggest advertisers in every industry, in every market category, in every town across America use to beat their competition without wasting unmeasured valuable marketing dollars.